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Summer 2014: Poetry

Under the Tongue

On one side of the yellow duplex,
Billy Graham’s sermons ascended
from Grandma’s plastic bedstead radio, 
filling her apartment like threatening
cumulonimbi while I, nearly four,
sat at the edge of her kitchen table
under those clouds, drawing
the five letters of my name – 
and my own conclusions – 
each writing lesson always ending
in her frustration with my contrary
y’s. And on the other side,
my mother required perfect
usage the way other mothers insisted
on overcoats and galoshes, her desire
to shield us in grammatically correct
language, the kind that might have helped
her own mother pass and deflect the rap
of the reservation nun’s ruler, even if
it couldn’t stop Grandma’s muttered Heathens.
But on weekends, Dad blared Lady Day's
double negatives so loud over the hi-fi
it blew There ain't nothing I can do
right through the walls, a downpour
that drenched my grandmother’s
white doilies and angel food cakes,
lampshades and carpets, the broad
leaves, the burgundy flowers of her
heavy draperies, her very beliefs – 
all soaked in blues that dripped down
to the cellar, the way rain finds its way
to roots.

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Sweet, evocative, haunting: Delight in 19 poems to please every palate.


What does it take to be a woman, sister, mother, child, lover and friend? Share the struggles six non-fiction writers have with these roles.


Five local artists, a variety of media, and new insights into our world. Enjoy the unique visions of these extraordinary women.

Young Voices

Savor the poetry and prose of five talented young authors whose voices you will want to hear again and again.


Meet the 25 authors and 5 artists whose voices and visions enliven the fifth edition of our journal.

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        Out of Eden by Melanie Green

        Under the Tongue by Cindy Stewart-Rinier

        it wasn’t the rain by Ann Sinclair

        And the King Was in the Counting House by Geraldine Foote

        Aurelia Aurita: Moon Jelly by Lois Rosen

        What Cape Alava Was Like Then by Linda Strever

        ʻAʻā by Burky Achilles

        Still Life With Cabbage by Margaret Chula

        Mother of the Drowned Child by Penelope Scambly Schott

        Summer, When Green Turns by Cindy Stewart-Rinier

        Relic by Jennifer Foreman

        From the yes column of “is there a god?” checklist by Jennifer Foreman

        Binders Full of Women by Shawn Aveningo

        Even in February Every Woman Wants to Be a Feast by Claudia Savage

        Weddings I Have Ruined by Tanya Jarvik

        Thicker Than Water by Claudia Savage

        Weekend Wayfarers by Elizabeth Stoessl

        Wordscape by Tanya Jarvik

        Talking Herself into Onward by Melanie Green


        Tribes by Thea Constantine

        Carnage by Heidi Beierle

        Owyhee Barbie by Marylynne Diggs

        Permeable Divide by Kamala Bremer

        Pepper Anderson Meets the Amazon by Linda Ferguson

        The Day I Stopped Typing by Kate Comings


        Brooke by Oriana Lewton-Leopold

        Elizabeth by Oriana Lewton-Leopold

        Silence Considered by Carole Murphy

        The Egg Sisters by Carole Murphy

        Garden Gate by Koka Filipovic

        Purple Shade in the Garden by Koka Filipovic

        Untitled with a Flamingo by Amy Robinson

        It's My Party by Amy Robinson


        A Work of Art by Leilani Garcia

        What the Bees Did to Me by Colette Au

        Things I never said by Molly Benson

        Wabi-Sabi by Janet Webster

        Foresters by Sophia Mautz