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Winter 2013: Poetry

Before Going to Murder by the Book, We Stop at Zell's

Before going to Murder by the Book, we stop at Zell’s
to split a German-Apple pancake. He
raises his cup; I don’t like to watch the
coffee struggle to remain within the rim.
Your mother never got over that you didn’t
marry and have children, he says.
I always ignore his declarations, hot forged
and barbed, imperfectly disguised harpoons.

Today, I am tired. Before he takes what’s
left, I scoop half the raspberry jam and say,
Well, I never got over it either. I wanted
kids who would ride farm ponies, tend
chickens – a mess of adopted kids.

The eggy pancake comes divided, on two
plates, each half with powdered sugar and
lemon, each stuffed with firm chunks of apple.
Why didn’t you get married? He acts as if
I could go to a spouse store. I’d like
to see your stock of tall farmers, indifferent
to color and culture, but not too Godly.
I say, I never found the right person.

He waves his fork. The bra-burners
did you no favor, con-fus-ing ev-er-y-thing.
You wanted independence, and being an
independent person is not a marriage.
Afternoons on the black pony, I had galloped
the barbed wire fence from one end of the farm
to the other. I’d rather be alone than trapped.

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Enjoy the richness: thirteen poets, nineteen poems, and a diversity of style and craft.


Three memoirists share their emotional truths in these slices-of-life.


Our featured artist, as well as painters and photographers, provide colorful visions that will leave you seeing the world in new ways.

Young Voices

Three emerging writers share talent and creativity far beyond their years.


Learn more about the contributors who make us proud of our Winter 2013 edition.

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        A Convention of Ordinary Astophysicists Attends by Jodie Marion

        A Father's Love by Darlene Pagán

        Before Going to Murder by the Book, We Stop at Zell's by Carol Frischmann

        Decomposition by Pat Phillips West

        Dream by Jodie Marion

        Fishtail by Margaret Chula

        From the 7th Floor of Doernbecher Children's Hospital by Larina Warnock

        Inside the Basilica del Voto Nacional, Quito, Ecuador by Stella Jeng Guillory

        Interview with My Mother by Cindy Williams Gutiérrez

        Mail Call by Darlene Pagán

        Midnight Choices by Kathryn Ridall

        My First Butcher by Barbara Drake

        On the Banks of the Indian River by Jodie Marion

        Placental Abruption by Larina Warnock

        Playboys by Andrea Hollander

        Saturday Visitation by Kelly Running

        The Blizzard of '78 by Darlene Pagán

        The Hundred Names of Love by Annie Lighthart

        The Old Life by Andrea Hollander


        Bennett's Outing by Julia Clark Salmon

        Whale by Lyssa Tall Anolik

        Wisdom Tree by Julie Rogers


        Man with Chicken by Anne John

        Ancient Abstract by Anne John

        Blowing Bubbles by Betty Joe Armstrong

        Stormscape by Jean Harkin

        Nick's Jays by Huon Quach

        Diptych by Huon Quach


        Different by Emily Boring

        Old Clock by Erin Blackburn

        Drink by Julien Signorini