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Winter 2015: Poetry

Going South

Midnight. Interred in this sluggish vessel.
Chugging onward toward a Lethe-colored sky,
black as resignation, empty but for a faint glimmer 
of stars, stalking the train cabin through the haze
of city lights, past a shadowed row of red maples
and oaks. Standing guard. Sentinels raise their
twisted limbs in dismay as the clogged engine
strains against the increasing dampness. I lean my 
head against the window as the whistle fades to whine.
Mosquitoes circle in the lamplight.
There’s something earthy out there,
bobbing in the muck
        I can taste swamp honey in the back of my throat
   twisted with roots in the bayou
     i can float with it there

strands of moss entwine with tendrils
            frizzy black tresses floating weedy
  sticks in my fingers
                 clutching wood and dirty moss

        the moon turns molasses as 
               my neck tilts
and i exhale slowly
                                     crested iris unfurling

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Through the magic of language, 20 poets challenge us to write and live bravely.


Five risk-taking voices burn with the fire of transformation.


Four artists share their diverse sensibilities as confident mark-makers.

Young Voices

With clear eyes and articulate voices, five young women confront terrifying aspects of human experience.


Meet the authors and artists – from first-timers to well-established – who grace our sixth issue with their voices and visions.

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        A Great Wild Goodness
 by Annie Lighthart

        Going South by Christine Gray

        a welcome week by Hannah Sams

        Ophelia, at Fifty, in a Blue Blow-up Canoe by Deborah Dombrowski

        A Passing Music by Barbara LaMorticella

        Girl Fishing with Grandpa by Helen Kerner

        Perimeter by Amy Schutzer

        Two Poets in the Weight Room by Tricia Knoll

        Skeletons by Christa Kaainoa

        A Poem for Dany by Suzy Harris

        Lineage by Amy Schutzer

        The Bucket by M.K. Moen

        Bernier River by Christine Dupres

        Silence by Margie Lee

        Advice by Donna Prinzmetal

        Sometimes at Night by Jennifer Pratt-Walter

        Fissure by Elizabeth Moscoso

        Whale by Cathy Cain

        In the Modern World by Annie Lightheart

        Love poem to an acquaintance by Allegra Heidelinde

        Dialogue between Magician and Tattooist by Christine Gray

        Under the sign of the water bearer by Jennifer Kemnitz

        city spacious heart by Pearl Waldorf


        Bless Our Great Nation, Zambia! Zambia! by Gypsy Martin

        Liminal by Stephanie Golisch

        The Tomorrow Fire by Kelly Coughlin

        Ablaze by Heather Durham

        Left As It Was, It Would Come Apart by Jackie Shannon-Hollis


        Sibling 1 by Michelle Latham

        Sibling 2 by Michelle Latham

        Sibling 3 by Michelle Latham

        Totem by Kelly Neidig

        Stratum by Kelly Neidig

        Swift by Kelly Neidig

        Breaking Free by Erin Leichty

        Capture Threads by Erin Leichty

        Hardware by Erin Leichty


        Visions on the Playground by Meghana Mysore

        Chasing Thunder by Berkeley Franklin

        Elegy for Christy by Lily Boyd

        Social Media by Maya Coseo

        A Hundred Acre Wood by Audra McNamee